Castle Rock: Season 2, Episode 10 Recap and Review

Oh, Christmas!

And no, this is not from excitement for the upcoming holiday.

Nor is it some kind of weird callback to a certain Marvel Universe character.

And no, I do not want to visit Christmasland…hard pass!

No, this is more of a “curse word,” in the vein of a character from a show that is now done for the season.


In other words, the season 2 finale of Castle Rock aired today.

In case you are not familiar with this blog, I have become quite invested in this little corner of the King Multiverse this season, along with its characters and their hopes, dreams, issues, loves, etc.

I love it when a story starts on a separate paths, and those paths begin to gradually converse, and then meet.

Sometimes that meeting is explosive, as it was for the season finale of Castle Rock.

But that meeting can also be heartbreaking.  And just bleak.

I think we covered all of those with this season finale.

So, without further ado, here is my recap and review of episode 10, titled Clean.

And, as always:

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Castle Rock: Season 2, Episode 9 Recap and Review

There are some things in life that inevitable.

Like being disappointed on Sundays, courtesy of my Island of Misfit Toys football team.

Or Mondays…being…

Well, Mondays.

And Wednesdays…being…


The day when I can finally watch the latest episode of Castle Rock, and then go crazy trying to dissect and figure out where this show is going.

But, like almost any TV show, we are at the point where the inevitable decides to rear its inevitable head:

The death of a major character.

In episode 9, titled Caveat Emptor, we had the inevitable delivered to us, in the death of someone significant to the show, and also to the Stephen King Multiverse.

Of course, this death was not unexpected, although the sting was  still there.

So, let’s get down to it.

Here is the recap and review of episode 9.

And, as always:

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