Castle Rock: Season 2, Episode 10 Recap and Review

Oh, Christmas!

And no, this is not from excitement for the upcoming holiday.

Nor is it some kind of weird callback to a certain Marvel Universe character.

And no, I do not want to visit Christmasland…hard pass!

No, this is more of a “curse word,” in the vein of a character from a show that is now done for the season.


In other words, the season 2 finale of Castle Rock aired today.

In case you are not familiar with this blog, I have become quite invested in this little corner of the King Multiverse this season, along with its characters and their hopes, dreams, issues, loves, etc.

I love it when a story starts on a separate paths, and those paths begin to gradually converse, and then meet.

Sometimes that meeting is explosive, as it was for the season finale of Castle Rock.

But that meeting can also be heartbreaking.  And just bleak.

I think we covered all of those with this season finale.

So, without further ado, here is my recap and review of episode 10, titled Clean.

And, as always:

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Castle Rock: Season 2, Episode 3 Recap and Review

As a horror fan, and especially as a Stephen King fan, ordinary things can  become…

Well, not so ordinary.

Or they can become terrifying.

Storm drains are a prime example.

Or summer camps located in remote, secluded lakes with a  colorful past.

Tricking or treating.

Humans bound together to make one big centipede.

Or innocuous things.

Like being tied to bed posts

Things that should be fun, yanno?

In case you can’t tell, I just  finished watching the third episode of the second season of the show Castle Rock.

Hilariously enough, this episode is titled The Ties That Bind.

In other words, yes, it was about family, kin, blah blah.

And being tied up in bed.

But not the fun kind of tied up.

Nope, the cuckoo for cocoa puffs kind of tied up, so no fun to be had at all.

But, I digress.

So, I present to you my recap and review of the third episode of the second season of Castle Rock, titled The Ties That Bind.

And, as always:


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Castle Rock: Season 2, Episode 1 Recap and Review

Throughout my life, I have been told that good things come to those who wait.

So, I would wait.

For Christmas.

For Halloween.

For summer vacation.

And, as an adult, I was still stuck waiting.

Sometimes, for *fun* things that I won’t even mention here, in the name of (ha!) decency.

More often than not, I was stuck waiting in even more *fun* places, like the place that is actually Hell, but with less screaming.

Or, for my favorite TV shows to return.

On the one hand, months or sometimes even years spent agonizing, coming up with fan theories, etc.

But on the other hand:  fan theories!

I have actually spent the better part of a year awaiting the return of one of my favorite shows from 2018:  Castle Rock.

As you probably know, Castle Rock is (loosely, and I mean loosely) based on the work of The Master Himself, Stephen King.

However, Castle Rock is also its own work.

It may be based on the works of the King of horror, but the show has inserted its own character and even its own mythos.

For the most part, it works.

And its fun.

Lots of fun.

Fun of the variety that we can talk about in this blog, even though some of that fun gets kind of interesting at times.

Usually interesting a good way, but I digress.

So, Castle Rock is back for a second season.

We have one of our favorite psychopaths that everyone loves to hate playing a major part in this season.

And one of the most beloved towns in the King multiverse will be featured.

You know, the one where a certain non sparkly vampire took over, and made a bunch of other non sparkly vampires, effectively creating a ghost town?

So, buckle up, partner.

We are gonna head into Castle Rock.

Or perhaps crash into it.

And, as always:

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N0S4A2: Episode 3 Recap and Review

Well, things are starting to heat up now.

Which is kinda ironic, since we are retreating deeper into the winter fun part otherwise known as Christmasland.

In other words, I am talking about this week’s episode of the summer’s new TV series, N0S4A2.

We are on episode 3 of a 10 episode first season.

Time’s a wasting, right?

We are 30% of the way through the season, so this is the episode where we would expect that the pace be picked up a bit.

No more exposition, in other words.

And that is exactly what has happened.


Winter is coming


But seriously, episode 3 of N0S4A2, titled The Gas Mask Man, is the strongest episode so far this season.

And again, it is only the third episode.  I can’t wait for more!

Bring it, Christmasland!

So, without further ado, here is my recap and review of episode 3 of N0S4A2, titled The Gas Mask Man.

And, as always:


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Ledger Entry 0004: Dreams and Fellowship

This is one of many ledger entries written by a Constant Reader who has made her umpteenth visit to the world of The Stand, by Stephen King.

(Or a journal entry, if you prefer.  You know, back in the prehistoric days where we *gasp* used pencil and paper to write.)

In fact, you could argue that perhaps she has visited this particular world a few too many times, and is a little obsessed, as she has written a series of  entries detailing her adventures.

So, let us take a peek into this world.  Oh, and as always:

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Ledger Entry 003: Survivors

This is one of many ledger entries written by a Constant Reader who has made her umpteenth visit to the world of The Stand, by Stephen King.

(Or a journal entry, if you prefer.  You know, back in the prehistoric days where we *gasp* used pencil and paper to write.)

In fact, you could argue that perhaps she has visited this particular world a few too many times, and is a little obsessed, as she has written a series of  entries detailing her adventures.

So, let us take a peek into this world.  Oh, and as always:

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Castle Rock: Season 1, Episode 7 Recap and Review

Well, then.

This was quite the week.

Filled with a bit of confusion.

Lots of drama.

Kept us glued to our screens.

The entertainment was non-stop.

Of course, I am talking about this week’s episode of Castle Rock, titled The Queen.

Geez, did you think I was talking about some horror story or something?

Each week, Castle Rock keeps on setting the bar higher and higher.

And we got this episode.

Honestly, if this is the peak for the show and the rest of the episodes are just really, really good as opposed to the make you wanna slap your mama bad ass that is this week’s episode, I won’t complain.

But, I find myself getting blown away every week.  Somehow, I don’t think that is going to change.

So, buckle in and join me in the recap and review of this week’s wild ride, titled The Queen.

And, as always:


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Castle Rock: Episode 3 Recap and Review

In every show, there comes a critical point.

It is usually a couple of episodes in.

We all know what I am talking about…

It is the episode where the viewer decides if he/she is in it for the long haul, or if that show will be dropped like an extremely warm root vegetable.

This week, I think we reached it, with the show Castle Rock.

And guess what?

Yep, Castle Rock is a keeper!

I mean, I was hopeful, but I didn’t want to get too attached, too early…

But, my worries were unfounded.

Castle Rock is worthy of all the love that I have to give!

I mean, I know it is part of the Stephen King universe, but still…

I had to be sure.

And episode 3, titled Local Color, cemented my status.

So far, the show is meeting my expectations.  In fact, it is exceeding them, in some ways.

In other words, I asked.  And I received.  And it was awesome.

So join me in my recap and review of Local Color.

And, as always:




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American Gods: Season 1, Episode 4 Recap and Review

Origin stories are always fun.

They allow us to find out more about our favorite super heroes.

They allow to find out why said super hero donned the cape.

Or donned the claws.

Even the bad guys have origin stories.

After all, sometimes all it takes is one bad day

So, yeah.  We all have origin stories.

Even characters who at first seem to be one dimensional and boring.  And actually kind of bitchy, too.

But hey, I am a sucker for a good origin story, what can I say?

If it’s written well enough, I will watch it (or read it.)

And that is exactly what this week’s episode of American Gods gave to us: an origin story for a character, who, until recently, had been kind of one dimensional.  And maybe a little bitchy, too.

In other words, we were given previously un-chartered territory, in the form of a Laura Moon-centric episode.

After the episode, Laura is no longer one dimensional.

She joins the ranks of Shadow, Wednesday, Czernebog and the entire pantheon of characters, in that she is now a fully realized character, as opposed to Shadow’s wife who died under shady circumstances and then came back to life as a zombie that attracts flies because well…she is a decaying corpse, after all.

But still kinda bitchy.

A lot bitchy, actually.

But it all makes sense now.  We were given a deeper understanding of the mystery that is Laura Moon.

So, join me on my recap and review of episode 4 of American Gods, titled Git Gone.

And, as always:



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