Castle Rock, Season 2, Episode 7: Recap and Review

Lately, my Wednesdays have come to a nice little return.

Get up.

Make coffee.

Walk a dog or two so that my house remains standing.

Maybe take in a little “refreshment.”

And finally, tune in and watch Castle Rock.

And then straighten up my scrambled brain cells, pick my jaw off the floor, and go about my day.

(I am kind of fussy about my house being clean and my brain cells having some kind of order, after all.)

Well, that has been pretty typical lately.

Although that last part isn’t always part of the day.

However, we had this week’s Wednesday.

And episode 7 of Castle Rock, titled The Word.

I had to spend some quality getting my brain back in order, so that I could finally come to my senses and pick my jaw off the floor.

Sheesh, and I though cleaning up after dogs sucked…

What does not suck is this season of Castle Rock.

And the latest episode.

Far from sucking, as a matter of fact.

I love it when plot points in a story slowly begin to converge, and everyone and everything starts to walk the same path.

Throw in a major revelation that changes everything about the show or story in question, and I am set!

Well, I got my wish with the latest episode.  Wishes do sometimes come true!

Yeah, time to stop rambling, and get to the good stuff, right?

In other words, here is my recap and review of episode 7.

And, as always:

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