Castle Rock: Episode 1 Recap and Review

It is always such a treat when your favorite writer publishes a new book.

Me, I pace around, almost like an expectant father in the delivery room, anxiously waiting.

And via the magic of technology, the book appears on my Tablet the next day, ready for me to savor, whenever I am ready.

Now, of course, my favorite writer is Stephen King…Captain Obvious strikes again, right?

And we are still fortunate to be receiving the gifts of The Master’s books on a fairly regular basis.

This year we received The Outsider.  And Elevation will be published this fall.

All in all, not bad.

But when I heard that Hulu would release a TV series this year, set in the Stephen King universe and produced by JJ Abrams, my interest was piqued.

So we are, for all intents and purposes, getting a new Stephen King book, set in the same universe, with some familiar characters, as well as plenty of new characters.  This may not have King’s name on the by-line, but it is set in his expansive universe and has the feel of his books, but is not a book, but an anthology TV series instead…

Well, how can we go wrong with that?

And not only is it set in the King universe, but is titled Castle Rock, King’s other notorious town, the one that probably advertises that its main attraction is the fact that it is not inhabited by a trans-dimensional demon doing a poor impersonation of a clown.

Again, how is this a bad thing?

I have watched one episode of Castle Rock so far, and I can tell you that this is not a bad thing.  Far from it, in fact.

So, come with me to Castle Rock, where we break down and analyze the first episode, titled Severance.

And, as always:


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Seeing Double: My Review of The Outsider

Ho, ho, ho!  Merry Christmas?

…in May?

Yes, in May.  It is a little known fact that December does not actually have the monopoly on Christmas!

And the reason why May got to have a little fun this is…

You guessed it…

Stephen King!

The Master is no ordinary author, after all.

Ordinary authors do not make Christmas happen in May.

But when you are The Master, you can call in favors.

Favors like giving the rest of the world Christmas in May, because you gifted us mortals with a brand new book!

Yes, we got a gift that keeps on giving this May, in the form of the latest Stephen King book, The Outsider.

No, not The Outsiders!

No one was telling those pesky kids to stay golden, although we could argue that a certain sewer dwelling clown is a Soc.

This Outsider was part police procedure, part detective story and part supernatural thriller, liberally seasoned with the dread and creepiness that only a novel written by The Master can contain.

Or maybe that was just a little nutmeg added to spice things up a bit…

So, let us sit back and sip at this Christmas in May beverage titled The Outsider, and delve into those spices!

And, as always:





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