Castle Rock: Season 2, Episode 5 Recap and Review

I have read stories and see movies that center around vampires, werewolves, ghosts and almost any other supernatural creature that I can think of.

I am pretty de-sensitized to horror at this point in my life.  Not much really scares me.

Now, I can still get grossed out.

Children whose heads spin as pea soup comes out their mouths is a prime example.

Face hugging aliens are also another example.

But those are gross outs, which are pretty common.

(I have dogs.  Gross outs can be an every day occurrence in my hood, actually.)

But, while pea soup spewing kids, face hugging aliens and dog vomit in unspeakably large piles can gross me out and make me dry heave, in the end, these things don’t scare me.

Most of them, in fact, are not possibilities.

(Except for the face hugging aliens.  You don’t know how many times I have had to clean up after the face hugging aliens and their nasty messes.  Oh wait…)

Now, I can (and do) still get frightened.

All that requires is just turning on the evening news.

Or watching true crime documentaries.

In other words, man’s inhumanity to his fellow man.

(And women too.  Trying to be inclusive here.)

Man’s inhumanity to man is just…


I know I have said it in this blog before, but I will say it again:

Stephen King’s stories work well because most of The Master’s stories contain that backdrop of reality.

Domestic abuse, financial troubles, family strife, bullying and child abuse are just some of the themes that run through King’s stories.

We are given characters and situations which are often familiar to us.

That backdrop of realism makes the actual monsters that much more terrifying, because we believe that since the situation may be something that is realistic, so is the monster in question.

And monster is a relative term.

Vampires, shape shifting clowns and inexplicably mobile fingers in the bathroom sink are just a few examples of King’s monsters.

But, we need to add something else to the list:

Human beings.

Often, King’s human monsters are his most frightening.  Again, there is that backdrop of reality.

While the show Castle Rock may not be a King creation per se, it is definitely a creation that belongs in the King cannon.

The show also has its inhuman monsters (zombie douches,, for example) but the show is also no stranger to human monsters.

Episode 5, titled The Laughing Place, is great example of man’s inhumanity to man.

There is nothing supernatural in this episode.

In other words, all human fuckery.

So, let’s get to it, and dive into the recap and review of episode 5.

As always:

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Castle Rock Season 2, Episode 4: Recap and Review

Now, I like to get a rush as much as the next person.

The problem is, I am lazy.

And a chicken shit.

So mountain climbing and sky diving are out…d’oh!

I have Colts football, but coming down from that rush…ugh…

I realize that there are *other* options, but nose candy comes with its own set of issues.

But, I am lucky.

I have a Hulu subscription and an internet connection.

In other words, Castle Rock!

I just finished watching the fourth episode of Castle Rock, and boy are my knuckles white!

Seriously, never a dull moment in this show!

Castle Rock has all that anyone can ask for:

Crazy nurses, crime families, new and inventive ways to use kitchenware, cursed houses, you name it!

All set against the colorful back drop that is the small town in the Stephen King multiverse!

Although it is not as horrific as Colts football, it is pretty creepy, by Christmas!

So, let’s get down to it, and dive into the fourth episode of the second season of Castle Rock, titled Restore Hope.

And, as always:

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Castle Rock: Season 1, Episode 10 Recap and Review

Life can be a bit ambiguous sometimes.

What color is that dress, really?

The only sure thing is that it’s ugly!

And no, I know what Donald, Mickey and Pluto are, but I still don’t know what the hell Goofy is!

So, in order to deal with the ambiguity that is life, sometimes you just need to kick back…

And remind yourself of something:

M-O-O-N, that spells schisma!

In other words, go watch Castle Rock!

No ambiguity there!

Oh, and Pennywise is just your friendly neighborhood clown.  He’s just a lonely guy, and he just wants to have the neighborhood kids for dinner

Oh, right.

Back to reality this instant!

You know, the reality where having kids for dinner is actually literal?

And the reality (or maybe realities in this case) where Castle Rock is confusing as fuck and makes you question everything that you thought you knew, at least according to the last episode.

In other words, let’s review and dissect the season 1 finale of Castle Rock, titled Romans.

And, as always:


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Castle Rock: Season 1, Episode 7 Recap and Review

Well, then.

This was quite the week.

Filled with a bit of confusion.

Lots of drama.

Kept us glued to our screens.

The entertainment was non-stop.

Of course, I am talking about this week’s episode of Castle Rock, titled The Queen.

Geez, did you think I was talking about some horror story or something?

Each week, Castle Rock keeps on setting the bar higher and higher.

And we got this episode.

Honestly, if this is the peak for the show and the rest of the episodes are just really, really good as opposed to the make you wanna slap your mama bad ass that is this week’s episode, I won’t complain.

But, I find myself getting blown away every week.  Somehow, I don’t think that is going to change.

So, buckle in and join me in the recap and review of this week’s wild ride, titled The Queen.

And, as always:


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Castle Rock: Season 1, Episode 5 Recap and Review

Hi everyone.

My name is Leah and I have a confession to make.


Totally hooked on the Hulu show Castle Rock!

There, I feel better.  I hope you guys don’t judge me!

So yeah, I have a problem.  And I love it!

I spend my free time (well time when I am supposed to be working, since real life is a non-stop horror movie) waiting for the next episode to be released.

I browse Reddit to read the latest, craziest fan theories.

I come up with my own crazy fan theories.

(A connection to the Crimson King is not a crazy theory.  It.  Is.  Not,)

And oh yeah, writing about the show, for your reading pleasure!

So join my in my recap and review of this week’s episode, titled Harvest.

And, per usual:


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Castle Rock: Episode 4 Recap and Review

Sometimes, you take that relaxing drive through the country.

Everything is going as planned and you drive along, enjoying the scenery.

But then, you take that left turn.

And you are no longer enjoying the scenery, per se.

You are no longer enjoying the scenery because it is not an idyllic countryside.

You happen upon a car accident, which you still look at, because it’s a car wreck, so your eyes are drawn to it.

But the tone of the drive has changed, due to that car accident.

It is still entertaining, but more in the way of your eyes stayed glued to the scene, as opposed watching the scenery go by.

This hypothetical car accident is a perfect analogy of what has happened to the show Castle Rock.

The first three episodes had the viewer on cruise, more or less.

Even though the show is creepy and mysterious (after all, it is part of the Stephen King universe), the viewer was somewhat comfortable and thought that he/she knew what to expect.

However, the fourth episode, titled The Box, changed all of that.

The show had its hypothetical (and really bloody and even tragic) car accident.

And now, we have to watch.  We can’t look away.

And I love it.

So join me in the recap and review of The Box.

And, as always:


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Castle Rock: Episode 3 Recap and Review

In every show, there comes a critical point.

It is usually a couple of episodes in.

We all know what I am talking about…

It is the episode where the viewer decides if he/she is in it for the long haul, or if that show will be dropped like an extremely warm root vegetable.

This week, I think we reached it, with the show Castle Rock.

And guess what?

Yep, Castle Rock is a keeper!

I mean, I was hopeful, but I didn’t want to get too attached, too early…

But, my worries were unfounded.

Castle Rock is worthy of all the love that I have to give!

I mean, I know it is part of the Stephen King universe, but still…

I had to be sure.

And episode 3, titled Local Color, cemented my status.

So far, the show is meeting my expectations.  In fact, it is exceeding them, in some ways.

In other words, I asked.  And I received.  And it was awesome.

So join me in my recap and review of Local Color.

And, as always:




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Castle Rock: Episode 2 Recap and Review

Occasionally, writers and film makers gift us with a fictional universe.

Actually, this practice is becoming more common.  Marvel has pretty well established theirs.  DC is right behind them, and well, we can give DC a participation trophy for trying.

Joss Whedon created one, when he created Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Kurt Sutter is on his way to creating one, as we had Sons of Anarchy, and we will have The Mayans this fall.

There is something neat in seeing that one or more books (or movies or television shows) are connected and share characters.

Sometimes, however, these works of fiction share more than just characters, as what happens in one book, movie or show has a direct affect on another work of fiction.  Marvel has spent years building up to this, in the form of Avengers: Infinity War.

Finally, we got Rocket Raccoon in the same movie as Iron Man!  How cool is that?!

However, The King (cough, cough) of a shared universe is…

None other than The Master himself!

Over forty years ago, it began with the publication of Carrie, King’s first novel.

It grew to include that crazy number one fan, that gang of meddling kids, a guy who enjoys time travel, and many, many other novels.

Most importantly, it includes that story of your friendly neighborhood gunslinger.  King himself has referred to his Dark Tower novels as the Jupiter of solar system, with several seemingly unrelated novels that have some sort of impact on our friendly neighborhood gunslinger and his quest.

And most recently, the Hulu TV series Castle Rock joins that universe.  Even though King may not have “officially” written this JJ Abrams creation himself, I will be damned if I can tell (well, other than checking the credits on the internet.)

Castle Rock takes place in what could probably be King’s most notorious fictional setting (other than the unnamed town known as Pennywise the Clown’s personal buffet.)

Needful Things, The Body, The Dark Half, The Dead Zone and several other stories take place in Castle Rock.

I am always up for a visit to Castle Rock.  In fact, it is one of my favorite King hangouts.

And so far, even though I have only watched two episodes, the show is reinforcing that feeling, making me feel like I am paying a  visit to an old friend, where we chat as though we have never been apart.

So join me this week for my recap and review of my visit!

As always:


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Seeing Double: My Review of The Outsider

Ho, ho, ho!  Merry Christmas?

…in May?

Yes, in May.  It is a little known fact that December does not actually have the monopoly on Christmas!

And the reason why May got to have a little fun this is…

You guessed it…

Stephen King!

The Master is no ordinary author, after all.

Ordinary authors do not make Christmas happen in May.

But when you are The Master, you can call in favors.

Favors like giving the rest of the world Christmas in May, because you gifted us mortals with a brand new book!

Yes, we got a gift that keeps on giving this May, in the form of the latest Stephen King book, The Outsider.

No, not The Outsiders!

No one was telling those pesky kids to stay golden, although we could argue that a certain sewer dwelling clown is a Soc.

This Outsider was part police procedure, part detective story and part supernatural thriller, liberally seasoned with the dread and creepiness that only a novel written by The Master can contain.

Or maybe that was just a little nutmeg added to spice things up a bit…

So, let us sit back and sip at this Christmas in May beverage titled The Outsider, and delve into those spices!

And, as always:





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Mr. Mercedes: Episode 1 Recap and Review

Sometimes, I think the Chinese New Year needs an update.

Sure, the animals are cute and all, but why limit yourself to animals?

There are plenty of other interesting things we can use and rotate out for each year.

I mean, horror movie stuff and horror movie icons would work, right?

Like 1979 could be the year of The Creature from the Black Lagoon, in honor of my ex husband!

So, what would 2017 be?

I know, I know…

The year of…

Stephen King!

Yeah, I know…

*insert quizzical look of surprise right about here*

2017 has been the year of the Stephen King revival, although to Constant Constant Readers like me, he has always been appreciated, even (or especially) when we wake up in the middle of the night, with the sheets covered in sweat, the dogs expressing their terror for you (of you…)

Well, maybe that last part is just me.

But one thing is for certain:  Stephen King has never really gone away.  The obsession, along with the books being published, may ebb and flow.  But King is, and will continue to be, a huge part of our culture.

He may write “scary” stories, but he is also our literary Everyman, and someone who actually makes America great.  Actually, he has been making America great for the past 40 years or so, minus the tacky red baseball cap.

But 2017 has seen a great resurgence.  And who am I to complain?  Like potato chips and bad 80’s horror movies, there is no such thing as too much Stephen King!

The Dark Tower movie made its long awaited debut.

Gwendy’s Button Box, a beautiful collaboration with Richard Chizmar, was published this spring.

Sleeping Beauties, another collaboration with Owen King (kid needs to earn his Master chops), will be published this fall.

Next month, Pennywise the Clown will terrorize those meddling kids on the big screen.

The small screen has also gotten its share of The Master.

Mr. Mercedes is another creation of King that has made its debut in 2017.

Mr. Mercedes is unique in that it may be a detective crime drama, something that one would NEVER associate with King, the creator of homicidal clowns, rabid St. Bernards and possessed 1958 Plymouth Fury vehicles.

However, despite the different format, Mercedes still has King’s finger prints all over it, from the Easter eggs (within the first 15 minutes or so of the pilot we find one of those) to the themes, aka human monsters who are far more capable of horrific acts than any homicidal clown or rabbit St. Bernard.

I watched the pilot this week, and my skin crawled.  That is a good thing, in case you can’t tell.

So, without any further ado, here is my recap and review of the pilot episode of Mr. Mercedes.

And, as always:

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